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Solar a natural source of energy and a renewable source is like a boon to mankind and we are privileged to be known as one of the sole manufacturers and suppliers for Solar Products. With a small step of cultivating solar energy we promote to enter this world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living.


Solar energy is radiant light and heat from the Sun that is harnessed using a range of ever-evolving technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, solar architecture and artificial photosynthesis.

It is an important source of renewable energy and its technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on how they capture and distribute solar energy or convert it into solar power. Active solar techniques include the use of photovoltaic systems, concentrated solar power and solar water heating to harness the energy. Passive solar techniques include orienting a building to the Sun, selecting materials with favorable thermal mass or light-dispersing properties, and designing spaces that naturally circulate air.


Our Products

With the growing popularity of solar energy, there is a demand for different kinds of solar power systems. In this scenario, it is important to understand the different kinds of solar energy systems. There are 3 types of systems: (a) On-Grid Solar Roof Systems (b) Off-Grid Solar Roof Systems (c) Hybrid Roof Systems. The On-Grid Solar Roof System is one of the most widely used in the market. This is a SPGS (Solar-Powered Generation System) where the solar photovoltaic system is connected to and integrated with the grid. The power generated by this system is sent to the electricity provider or the grid from where it is used to run the appliances. The installation of this system is hassle-free and it is easy to maintain.


How Does It Work?

The solar panels absorb the sunlight that falls on them and convert the rays into electricity – this generated power is DC (direct current) which is then converted to AC (alternating current) by the solar inverter. The converted current is then sent to the grid from where it is supplied for daily use. A net meter is a unit that records the electricity which is sent to the grid and the electricity that is used. At the end of a month the net metering unit generates a “net” statement of consumption.


When a consumer has installed the solar power system, he has to pay for the power consumed by him minus the power supplied back to the grid. Naturally the more power that is generated, the lower the electricity bill.

Net metering

It is another benefit for the on-grid rooftop solar system. It allows consumers to feed extra solar power into the grid when the power is not needed and receive a credit on the electricity bill. Net metering simply uses the grid as a huge battery to balance demand supply gaps

Lower Maintenance

Of 3 kinds of Solar Powered Generation Systems, the On-Grid system has the fewest number parts. An easy installation and the absence of batteries makes this a popular system.

The Solar Water Pumping System is a stand-alone system operating directly on power generated by Solar Photovoltaic Modules during the daytime. Various types of Solar Pumps are used for lifting water from tube well, shallow well, ponds, canals for either drinking water in villages or mainly for irrigation purpose. The system is designed in such a way that it can also work with the existing Utility power to have more hours of operation for the Solar Pump. HENX since last 7 years has been offering Solar Water Pump Solutions in India with AC/DC water pumps of various local and international associated brands in different capacities which are functioning in diverse site conditions, numerous formats like open well, bore well and ponds applications with float type arrangement.


We offer Solar Street Lights staring from 9 W to 60 W LED Luminary. Our Solar Street Lights are tested and having excellent performance record. Solar Street Light works without grid power. It totally relies on solar energy, which is clean, endless and environment-friendly. The system is mainly composed of solar panel, light source, controller and battery. In daytime, when there is sunshine, the solar panel can convert the solar energy to electric power and store it in the battery. At night or rainy or cloudy condition, the controller can judge the brightness of daylight and automatically switch the light on. And the battery shall supply the power for lighting. The solar street lights are applicable for road lighting, courtyard lighting, landscape lighting, and so on, in both cities and villages. Comparing with grid-powered street light, the solar street light has advantages of no consumption of grid power, no electricity charge, no need of power supply facilities, no pollution, easy-installation, one-time investment long-time payback, etc.



Requires no trenching, cabling or electrical grid connection

Easy to install

Minimal technical expertise required; uses click-together plugs

Rugged reliability

Robust design is ideally suited for remote, difficult to access locations, or areas that have unreliable or no power supply at all.

Install and forget

No scheduled maintenance or servicing for up to five years and no light bulbs to change.

Vandal resistant

Aluminium hardware and tamper-proof screws


Sol uses 100% recyclable gel cell batteries, LEDs produce no CO2 emissions

While inching towards achieving 100% village electrification, Govt. of India also focused in achieving electrification of all un-electrified households in the country. Taking consideration of various studies, it came to light that major barriers in household electrification was lack of awareness, cost of obtaining new connections, complexity and other logistics difficulty faced in obtaining connections. Paying special attention to these requirements, Govt. of India systematically designed and launched a scheme Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana
– Saubhagya, in October 2017 focusing on last mile connectivity and electricity connections to all the unelectrified households in the country.
Saubhagya scheme is one of the world’s biggest Universal electrification initiative with collaborative and concerted efforts of Centre and States. It is a concurrent program to Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana’ (DDUGJY). 


Free metered connection for economically poor households and a charge of Rs. 500 (adjusted in electricity bills in 10 monthly instalments) for households other than poor, only after release of connection

Establishing camps in villages/ cluster of villages for on spot registration

Use of Mobile App for identification of beneficiaries and electronic registration including requisite documentation

Web based near real-time monitoring and updating of progress

SPV based standalone systems for households located in remote/ difficult areas

Communication plan for creating awareness about the scheme and its benefits

Flexibility to States in mode of implementation (Departmental/ Turnkey/ Semi-turnkey)

An Off Grid Solar Project system is not connected to the electricity grid and therefore requires battery storage. An off-grid solar system must be designed appropriately so that it will generate enough power throughout the year and have enough battery capacity to meet the home’s requirements, even in the depths of winter when there is less sunlight. The high cost of batteries and inverters means off-grid systems are much more expensive than on-grid systems and so are usually only needed in more remote areas that are far from any electricity grid. However battery costs are reducing rapidly, so there is now a growing market for off-grid solar battery systems even in cities and towns. Now a day’s off-grid solution comes with a grid charger. Grid Charger is used to charge the battery from an alternative source like EB Power or generator when the solar radiation is not available.

Benefits of Off-Grid

When you’re grid-tied, if there is a power outage, there’s nothing you can do about it but wait out the storm. If you have an off-grid solar power system, you won’t experience these blackouts. The energy is stored and ready for potential disasters so you’ll always have that added protection. When other’s experience these power outages, you’ll be fine. Off-grid solar energy systems are as reliable as they come. By storing energy in batteries, you’re able to have a house that is powered at all times, whether it’s cloudy days or amid potential natural disasters.